10th Puka Lounge at Kealohi - ph: 808-448-9890
604 Express at Navy-Marine Golf Course - ph: 808-423-2299
AAFES Food Court - ph: 808-423-1304
Arizona Pool - ph: 808-472-7582
Arts & Crafts Retail Store - ph: 808 449-2457
Arts & Crafts Center - ph: 808 448-2392
Arts & Crafts Classes for Teens and Adults - ph: 808 448-2392
Arts & Crafts Kid-Specific Classes - ph: 808 448-2392
Auto Skills Center Hickam - ph: 808-449-2554
Auto Skills Center Moanalua - ph: 808-471-9072
Barbers Point Beach Cottages - ph: 808-682-3085
Barbers Point Golf Course - ph: 808-682-2098/1911
Beach Equipment Rental at Hickam - ph: 808-449-5215
Catlin School-Age Care - ph: 808-421-1556
Center Drive CDC - ph: 808-471-1978
Ceramics Shop - ph: 808 448-0194
Engraving Shop - ph: 808 448-0417
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) - ph: 808-474-1999
Exercise Classes - ph: 808-471-2019
Family Child Care Homes (FCC) - ph: 808-897-0795
Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) - ph: 808-474-1999
Family Housing (Air Force) - ph: (808) 448-6888
Family Housing (Navy) - ph: (808) 474-1820
Family Support - ph: 808-474-1999
Ford Island CDC - ph: 808-472-0259
Ford Island Fitness Center - ph: 808-471-2021
Frame Shop - ph: 808 449-2453
Hale Aina Dining Facility - ph: 808-449-1666
Harbor Grill - ph: 808-473-2574
Hickam Beach - ph: 808-449-5215
Hickam Bowling Center - ph: 808-448-9959
Hickam Bowling Center Snack Bar - ph: 808-448-9959
Hickam Family Pool - ph: 808-473-0394
Hickam Fitness Center Massage Therapy & Spa Services - ph: 808-448-2214
Hickam Harbor CDC - ph: 808-448-0183
Hickam Harbor Marina - ph: 808-781-6318
Hickam Main CDC - ph: 808-449-9880
Hickam Memorial Fitness Center - ph: 808-448-2214
Hickam School-Age Care - ph: 808-448-4396
Hickam Training Pool - ph: 808-449-8274
Hickam West CDC - ph: 808-449-5230
Historic Hickam Officers Club Lanai - ph: (808) 448-4608
Honeymoon Beach - ph: 808-449-5215
ITT - Barbers Point - ph: 808-682-2019
ITT - Fleet Store - ph: 808-473-0792
ITT - NEX - ph: 808-422-2757
JBPHH Fitness Center - ph: 808-471-2019
Joint Base Catering - ph: (808) 448-2271
Ke'alohi Golf Course - ph: 808-448-2318
Key Spouse Program - ph: 808-474-1999
Kids Cove 24/7 - ph: (808) 421-0989
Liberty at Kona Winds Complex - ph: 808-422-7169
Liberty Express - Wahiawa - ph: 808-653-0220
Library - ph: 808-449-8296
Makai Recreation Center - ph: 808-449-3354
Makalapa Fitness Center - ph: 808-471-2021
Mamala Bay Golf Course - ph: 808-449-2304; 808-449-2305
Military and Family Support Center GOLD STAR PROGRAM - ph: 474-1999
Military and Family Support Center Deployment and Readiness Support - ph: 808-474-1999
Military and Family Support Center Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Ombudsman Program - ph: 808-474-1999
Military Personnel Flight (MPF) - ph: 808-449-8624
Mokulele Flight Kitchen - ph: 808-449-1666
Navy Exchange Events - ph: 808-423-3287
Navy Exchange Mini Marts - ph: 808-423-3330
Navy Exchange Retail - ph: 808-423-3330
Navy Exchange Services - ph: 808-423-3330
Navy Lodge - ph: 808-440-2290
Navy Operational Fitness and Fueling System - ph: 808-471-2021
Navy Voting - Joint Base Pearl Harbor - ph: 808-449-0879
Navy-Marine Golf Course - ph: 808-471-0142
New To Hawaii? - ph: 808-474-1999
NEX Food Court - ph: 808-423-3344
Nimitz Beach - ph: 808-682-4925
Patio Rentals at Hickam - ph: 808-449-5215
Patio Rentals at Pearl Harbor & White Plains Beach - ph: 808-449-6870
Peltier CDC - ph: 808-471-9336
Personal Training - ph: 808-471-2021
Pier Side Bowling Center - ph: 808-473-2574
Pier Side CDC - ph: 808-473-2669
Pier Side Fitness Center - ph: 808-473-2436
Planet Smoothie - ph: 808-422-1145
Rainbow Bay Marina - ph: 808-784-0167
Recreational Equipment Rentals - ph: 808-449-6870
Relocation Assistance Program - ph: 808-474-1999
Restaurant 604 - ph: 808-888-7616
School Liaison Office - ph: 808-306-9247
Scott Pool - ph: 808-473-0394
Sharkey Theater - ph: 808-473-0726
Sharkey Theater - ph: 808-473-0726
Silver Dolphin Bistro Galley - ph: 808-473-2519
Teen Center - ph: 808-448-1068
The Escape Bowling Center - ph: 808-473-2651
The Lanai at Mamala Bay - ph: 808-422-3002
The Sandbar - ph: M-F days: (808) 473-0841, Nights/Weekends (808) 473-1753
Towers Pool - ph: 808-471-9723
Tradewinds - ph: (808) 449-6112
Training Courses - ph: 808-471-2021
Transition Assistance Program - Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam - ph: (808) 474-1999
Unaccompanied Personnel - ph: 808-473-5995
Unaccompanied Personnel - ph: 808-473-1203/5995
Vehicle Resale - ph: 808-448-9907
Wahiawa Annex CDC - ph: 808-653-5305
Wahiawa Annex Fitness Center - ph: 808-653-5542
Wahiawa Annex Pool - ph: 808-653-5306
West Loch Fitness Center - ph: 808-471-2021
White Plains Beach - ph: 808-682-4925
Woodworking Shop - ph: 808-448-9911
Wounded Warrior Adaptive Athletic Reconditioning - ph: 808-473-2444 x 4515
Wounded Warrior Anchor Program - ph: 808-473-2444 x 4515
Wounded Warrior Employment and Education Assistance - ph: 808-473-2444 x 4515
Wounded Warrior Family Support - ph: 808-473-2444 x 4515
Wounded Warrior General Information - ph: 808-473-2444 x 4515
Wright Brothers Cafe and Grille - ph: 808-448-4608 ext.39
Youth Sports & Fitness - ph: 808-473-0789