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About Us

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory program designed to identify Navy and Air Force family members with special medical, physiological or educational needs related to acute or chronic conditions. It ensures service members will be assigned to a location where the specific needs of the family will be met. Special needs include:  




Mental Health




Adaptive Equipment

Assistive Technology

Assistive Services


MFSC EFMP Liaisons provide non-medical case management services which include: 

  • Creation of Family Needs Assessments and Service Plans 
  • Community Outreach 
  • Training and Education 
  • System Navigation 
  • Information and Referral Services 
  • Monthly Bulletins (Kokua) and Family Friendly Events 
    EFMP Case Liaisons also provide Appointed Command EFMP POC Training; now offered virtually


Role Contact Branch/Location

EFMP Case Liaison, EFMP-FS

*Non-medical case management for Navy and Air Force



Supervisory, Work and Family Life Specialist, Regional CL


Regional Work and Family Life Consultant, Regional CL

(specify – Attn: EFMP)

Front desk: 808-474-1999






Navy & Air Force/MFSC 
4827 Bougainville Drive
Honolulu, HI 96818
(808) 474-1999 
*MFSC Main Line
655 Vickers Avenue
JBPHH, HI 96853-5385



Classes & Trainings

To register for EFMP In-Person and Online events click here

EFMP Overview

Learn more about the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP); a multidisciplinary assignment tool that interfaces with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, community and personnel support to military families with special needs. This (1) hour long class gives a brief overview of the EFMP program specific to JBPHH, how to begin the enrollment process, and what to expect after initial enrollment. Open to all branches.

Coffee Talk

Learn, share and connect with other Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) families with a variety of rotating monthly topics!

Family Strengthening Series

EFMP sponsored trainings featuring content and topics essential to EFMP family support, planning and readiness.  Monthly topics feature subject matter experts (SME) on a range of interests to include special needs trusts, IEPs, deployment support, positive advocacy strategies and many more.

EFMP POC Training

This training is designed for newly designated EFMP points of contact and includes: enrollment process and responsibilities; EFMP benefits for commands, service members and their families; TRICARE for special needs families; and local military/civilian resource information.

EFMP Resource Fair

This annual EFMP sponsored event features a variety of community organizations and presenters with featured topics such as social security, Medicare, family advocacy, therapeutic recreation, assistive technology, mental health services and so much more.    

Sensational Summer Sensory Event

This annual event is a fun-filled day of indoor AND outdoor sensory activities!

Activities are designed and structured to invigorate your child's senses (0-13 years old)! Local community partners host a variety of sensory activities (exploring texture with fluffy foam, playing in sandboxes, molding clay, squishing goo, music, etc.) to stimulate connections in your child's brain, promote language development, encourage problem-solving, and build social skills. There are many sensory activities for your keiki to explore!

*Sponsored by the MFSC and local community agencies.*

KOKUA Bulletin

We appreciate our EFMP ‘Ohana! One way we try to keep our families informed connected to the community, is with our monthly newsletter. We try our best to offer relevant articles and useful, accessible resources. Please feel free to give us suggestions or share with us information that might be helpful to other EFMP families. MAHALO! 


The Kokua Bulletin 
APRIL 2025

Past Bulletins
MARCH 2025
JULY 2024
JUNE 2024
MAY 2024
APRIL 2024

MARCH 2024





EFMP Social Media Links

MFSC JBPHH Facebook Page 

MFSC EFMP Facebook Page 



DD2792, Family Member Medical Summary (PDF)

DD2792 Provider Instructions: Family Member Medical Summary 

DD2792-1 Early Intervention/Special Education Summary

DD2792-1 Provider Instructions: Early Intervention/Special Education Summary

  • Log on to MyVector to complete the Family Member Travel Screening


Family Needs Assessment

JBPHH EFMP uses the non-clinical EFMP Family Needs Assessment,  designed by OSD Office of Special Needs, DD Form 3054. A Family Needs Assessment helps gather information about our EFMP families in order for our EFMP Case Liaisons to determine each family’s area of need and to provide them with the appropriate resources and support services


If you would like to create a Family Needs Assessment, please call MFSC at (808)474-1999 to schedule an appointment


For questions regarding the Navy or AF Respite Care Programs, please contact your JBPHH EFMP team. 


Tricare ECHO 

If you are enrolled in the EFMP, you may also qualify for the TRICARE ECHO program. TRICARE ECHO benefits include:       

  • Training
  • Rehabilitation
  • Special education
  • Assistive technology devices
  • Institutional care in private nonprofit, public and state facilities (may include transport to and from)
  • Home health care
  • Respite care for the primary caregiver
  • Incontinence supplies (diapers); You may need to file your claim. Contact your ECHO case manager for more details. 

All ECHO benefits must be:

  • Authorized in advance
  • From a TRICARE-authorized provider


Tricare ECHO Enrollment Program


Your EFMP team is passionate about improving the lives of our EFM’s. One of the ways we achieve this goal is by connecting our families with resources within the Special Needs Community. 

We are excited to share with you an ever-evolving list of innovative resources on the local and national level. 

We LOVE learning about new programs being developed, especially within our own community. If you have a favorite Special Needs organization that you would like to see on our list, let us know about it! 

Community Resources 


Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii

Never Quit Dreaming


Hawaii State Resources 

The Office of Special Education in Hawaii:

Special Parent Information Network: Hawaii

LDA of Hawai’i


National Resources 


AUMI, which stands for ‘Adaptive Use Musical Instrument’ is a software interface which enables the user to play sounds and musical phrases through movement and gestures. The website has a TON of information, including articles and tutorials. There is a desktop version as well as an App.


Autism Village

This App (also a website) is an amazing example of when technological innovation supports families with special needs. 


Move United

Founded by Vietnam Veterans; the organization helps anyone with a permanent disability participate in sports within an adaptive setting. They currently provide opportunities to over 60,000 youth, wounded warriors, and adults, annually through 120 Chapters in 40 states. 

Easter Seals

Easter Seals offers resources for children and adults with disabilities and special needs. They offer support for, seniors, military and veterans, employment and training, medical rehabilitation, camping and recreation and brain health. Easter Seals believes that families need to be active members of any therapy program, and offers training to help them meet their individual needs. 


Friendship Circle International

With over 80 chapters worldwide, Friendship Circle international is a fast-growing and soon to be widely known organization. They provide home visits, respite care, holiday programs, camps, life-skills training and other resources. 


Goodwill Industries International

Goodwill works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunities, as well as help people in need to reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.  


Parent to Parent USA

Parent to Parent USA is a group that matches parents with a fellow parent who has a child with the same special healthcare need, disability or mental health concern. This allows each parent or family to have a contact for sharing information, receiving support and creating new friendships. The website reports that they have parent ‘matches’ in almost every state. 


Military Resources 

Military OneSource


School Liaison Officer (Air Force/Navy): Call (808) 471-4980 or email

24/7 on-line FREE tutoring with LIVE expert tutors for all your Military and DoD students. Funded by the
Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, for U.S. Military Families is a program
that provides on-demand, online tutoring, test prep (SAT/ACT) and homework help at NO Cost to eligible
service members (Active Duty, ROTC, National Guard, Reserve, Wounded Warrior), DoD civilian personnel
and ALL their dependents.



Relocating to JBPHH?

Moves can be stressful. We’ve gathered some important information for you to ease the transition.


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