An Ombudsman (OMB) is an official representative of the Commanding Officer and plays a vital role in establishing and maintaining current and accurate communication between the command and family members.
Family Readiness Groups (FRGs) are organized within commands to be a support team for the spouses, children and other designated individuals (including fiancées and/or parents). FRGs are command-sponsored and are subject to the installation commander’s approval and local guidance.
The Military & Family Support Center conducts training sessions for Ombudsman and FRG leaders, as well as Command Support Team members, and helps facilitate the Ombudsman Assemblies and Advanced Trainings.
MFSC provides family support services, information/referral, and support to the Ombudsman program on JBPHH and Geographically Separated Units (GSUs).
Ombudsman will:
- Maintain confidentiality.
- Support the command’s mission.
- Work within the chain of command as directed.
- Maintain the highest standards of professionalism.
Please register for all classes via MFSC Class Schedule & Registration or call (808) 474-1999.
Reminder: Children are not allowed to attend in-person training sessions; we ask that you plan accordingly for your childcare needs.
Please contact MFSC at for a current local calendar of training events. Additional training schedules can be found on the CNIC Ombudsman Basic Training & COT Schedules landing page.
Navy Ombudsman Basic Training
This training consists of 9 modules that help official command ombudsmen and command leadership team members work effectively with their commands. Workshops provide resource avenues for helping families through crises and daily living. Open to Ombudsmen, COs, XOs, Chaplains, CMCs, COBs, and their spouses.
Navy Ombudsman Advanced Training
This training provides guidance, additional resources, and training by subject matter experts on various topics to assist with the varied challenges of commands and family members. Both new and experienced Ombudsmen are encouraged to attend.
Family Readiness Group (FRG) Leadership Training
Designed to provide information that will help FRG leaders (President/Vice-President and Command Support Team (CST) Spouses) start a family support group, understand the role of leadership, run effective meetings and plan for homecomings. This skill-building training will generate ideas that will assist in making family support groups inviting and productive.
Command Leadership Toolkit
Ombudsman Registry
Ombudsman On-Demand Orientation
Registering for eOBT/Webinars
eOBT Schedules
CNIC Ombudsman Program Resources
FAQs for Worksheet
Contact Your Ombudsman
Deployment Readiness
Military Installations
MFSC: Explore all the additional programs MFSC offers here on!
FOCUS Resilience Training: Grounded in decades of research on family resilience and prevention programs. Since 2008, FOCUS Program has provided state of the art family resilience services to military families, children and couples.
Visit JBPHH FOCUS Project page for more information: or call (808)257-7774
Military OneSource: 24/7 support for active duty service members, spouses, children and survivors. or 800-342-9647
Topics include:
- Confidential Counseling/Help
- Military Life Cycle
- Family & Relationships
- Moving & Housing
- Financial & Legal
- Education & Employment
- Health & Wellness
- Recreation, Travel, & Shopping