Wounded Warrior
Navy Wounded Warrior (NWW) & Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2)
Navy Wounded Warrior is the Navy's sole organization for coordinating the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen, and providing resources and support to their families and caregivers.
Through proactive leadership, the program provides individually-tailored assistance designed to optimize the success of the wounded warriors' recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration activities.
NWW/AFW2 helps Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen return to duty, and, when that's not possible, the program works collaboratively with federal agencies, and state and local organizations to ease wounded warriors back into their communities.
Navy Wounded Warrior Hotline: 855-628-9997 opt. 6
Command Navy Region Hawaii (CNRH) Regional Program Director: 808-388-6933
NAVY Wounded Warrior
Naval Health Clinic Hawaii/SMART Clinic
480 Central Avenue
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI 96860
AIR FORCE Wounded Warrior
800 Scott Circle
Bldg 1113 Rm 5
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI 96853
Regional NWW/AFW2 non-medical care management teams work with wounded warriors and their families to identify their goals and develop plans to achieve them. The teams are led by a regional director, and recovery care coordinators oversee the development and execution of wounded warriors' Comprehensive Recovery Plans (CRPs). Non-medical care managers anticipate enrollees' daily non-medical needs and resolve any issues that surface during the recovery process.
NWW headquarters, which is based in Washington, D.C., is divided into four components: Policy and Enrollment; Quality Assurance; Program Support; and Pay and Entitlements.
What is a CRP?
A CRP is an individualized plan developed by the non-medical care management team, the service member and his or her family or caregiver, which identifies and prioritizes their goals. The CRP is a tool that helps service members remain on course throughout recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration.
How do Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen enroll in the Wounded Warrior Program?
Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen may self-refer to the program or be referred by family, command leadership or medical providers.
Who is eligible for enrollment?
NWW/AFW2 enrollment is available to seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen, including:
• OIF/OEF/OND casualties
• Shipboard and training accidents
• Liberty accidents
• Serious medical and psychological conditions (e.g, cancer, PTS)
What is non-medical care management?
Regional NWW/AFW2 non-medical care management teams tailor support to each enrolled service member's needs.
Support includes assistance with:
• Comprehensive Recovery Plan
• Adaptive sports and reconditioning
• Pay and personnel issues
• Invitational Travel Orders
• Lodging and housing adaptation
• Child and youth care
• Transportation needs
• Education benefits and training and employment opportunities Commissary and Exchange access Respite care TBI/PTS support services Transition assistance and much more
Adaptive Athletic Reconditioning
Commanders Guide to Casualty Assistance
Navy Wounded Warrior Newsletters
Air Force Wounded Warrior News